Monday, October 12, 2009

Still working on some tutorials... Objective-C is weird

One of the things I hate most is trying to learn a new language. Why? I find it hard to concentrate for the most part. But frankly, I like someone teaching me. Giving me examples and something to do (i.e., homework assignment). Having someone teach it to me allows me to stay focused on what I need to do.

Ok ok, these are really just excuses. The answer is really that I don't concentrate and I get distracted very easily. Like I mentioned before, I find it hard to concentrate. I don't know if it's my head, or if I'm just not that motivated, but man it's hard.

Having said all that - I've embarked upon learning a new language, a new system, and just generally jump into a whole new realm. One of my former classmates from UNM got a good jump on the iPhone development and set up this site which has some pretty good tutorials. They're a little light technical detail, but that's kind of a good thing, I'm sure I would get lost if it laid it on. Anyways, I've been going through the tutorials and reading Apple's Cocoa documents and iPhone dev documents. (hopefully those links work, might need an Apple account or something).

There are some other alternatives that maybe I'll take a look at. There's some Mono projects out there. In case you're too lazy to read that previous link, Mono is basically an open source project that allows C# to run on any platform. Why? Because C# is basically a Microsoft language that runs on .NET. Anyways, there are a couple Mono projects that allow C# apps to run the iPhone, not exactly kosher by Apple's iPhone dev EULA, but apparently there have been a few games written for the iPhone. Anyways, that might be worth checking out since the primary language I use at work.

Well, I think that's enough writing for now. I've got an incredibly bad headache...too much sugar...

Oh yeah, Objective-C the original reason I was going to make this post... uhm...yeah, it's weird. I've been with C# and Java for too long....yeah, that's it. lol


guappo said...

Dear Emmanuel,

I'm trying to contact you for advice about your skeleton joint java code through mapster website.
How may I get in touch?


guappo said...

Hope this reaches you!